Cable Internet
Digital Telephone
Email Protection
Fibre Internet
My Account
Nexicom Email
- Adding a contact to your contact list (Webmail)
- Attaching a File Using the Webmail
- Check Multiple Nexicom Email Accounts with One Login
- Email Setup in Incredimail
- Email Setup in Mac Mail
- Email Setup in Mail for Windows 10
- Email Setup in Mozilla Thunderbird
- Email Setup in Outlook (Office 365)
- Email Setup in Outlook 2003
- Email Setup in Outlook 2007
- Email Setup in Outlook 2010
- Email setup in Outlook 2013
- Email Setup in Outlook Express
- Email Setup in Windows Live Mail
- Email Setup in Windows Mail
- Email Setup on Android Phone or Tablet
- Email Setup on iPad (iOS7)
- Email Setup on iPad (Pre-iOS7)
- Email Setup on iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS 7+)
- Email Setup on iPhone/iPod Touch (Pre-iOS7)
- Important information for using email outside Canada!
- Logging in to the Nexicom Webmail
- Setting up an Auto-Responder
- Setting up Email Forwarding
- Show all articles (9) Collapse Articles
Nexicom Routers
NexiPhone (Landline)
Web Hosting
- A Web Hosting and Domain Registration Self Serve Guide
- Backup your website
- Deleting Mail From Webmail
- Exceeding Resource Limits
- Getting Free SSL/TLS Certificate from Let's Encrypt
- Hosting Email Setup
- Hosting Email Setup In Thunderbird
- Hosting Email Setup on Android Phone or Tablet
- Hosting Email Setup on iPhone or iPad
- How to create a subdomain
- Login to your Web Hosting Control Panel (Plesk)
- Manage Whitelist and Blacklist
- Updating your DNS record
- Website is showing a default webpage
Wireless Internet
A Web Hosting and Domain Registration Self Serve Guide
Web Hosting Control Panel
What can you do in Plesk?
When will you need to contact Nexicom?
- Login to Plesk
- Reset Plesk login password if you have forgotten it
- Manage DNS
- Manage Email (Add/Edit/Remove Email accounts, change passwords, spam filter, Whitelist/Blacklist, Webmail)
- Add SSL (Let’s Encrypt. add note about failing to renew)
- Change Password (Plesk login as well as Email and FTP)
- Add/Remove Subdomains
- Suspend or Disable Domain
- Backup your website
- WordPress Toolkit
- Confirm Control Panel credentials
- Unblock IP (Fail2Ban)
- Add/Remove domains
- Change hosting package
Domain Registration
What can you do in OpenSRS/TuCows?
When will you need to contact Nexicom?
- Retrieve or change Auth code under Domain Extras
- Update contact (WHOIS) information
- Update Name Servers but you will need to inform us of the change so we can adjust DNS records and billing to match
- Change the password used to manage this profile
- Unlock the domain
- Send reset password link to Admin or Owner
- Send Auth Code to Admin or Owner
5 Things To Consider Before Leaving Nexicom Web Hosting
If you still need us to host your email or manage your DNS then you will need to keep your hosting package with Nexicom.
Nexicom can manage your domain for an annual fee.
If you are moving your email, you will need to back them up and move them to the new server if you use IMAP. If you are not moving your email, you will need to keep your hosting package with Nexicom to manage your email. If you are not sure which option you will need, we can try to help you with that answer but we are not able to help with the technical portion of moving or backing up emails. You would need to consult with a computer technician.
You will need to contact Nexicom to unlock your domain. Once the domain is unlocked, you will need your Auth code and you should confirm that the admin email address is a valid address that you have access to as the transfer approval will be sent to that address. At this point you will initiate the domain transfer with the new registrar. The rest of the process will be completed with the new registrar and Nexicom will no longer be able to assist.
When transfering your domain away from Nexicom we recommend leaving the name servers as is until the transfer is complete.
When the transfer is complete, please inform Nexicom to make necessary billing adjustment.
Does Nexicom charge for assisting with web hosting? If Nexicom is involved in transferring your services away, it is billable.
The domain is still active for a full year from the billed renewal so no refund will be issued. If you are on an annual hosting plan that is disconnecting early, you may receive a partial credit minus any discounts received.