Nexicom Knowledge Base

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What are your hours of operation?

Please Note: Our Peterborough office is currently closed to the public. The hours listed here will be in effect once we reopen. Our Customer Service office in Millbrook is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Our Customer Service office in Peterborough is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturday from […]

What Speed do I need?

There are some qualifying questions that will help you determine what speed profile fits your needs best. Consider the following when deciding on which internet package is best for you: 1) How many people in your home? 2) How many total devices including desk top, cell phones, smart appliances, lap top, iPAD, tablet, smart TV, […]

What does SILEC and CLEC stand for?

SILEC stands for Small Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier. A SILEC is a local telephone company which held the regional control on landline service before the market was opened to competitive local exchange carriers, or the corporate successor of such a firm. The geographical areas that comprise Nexicom’s SILEC territory include the rural villages of Millbrook, Cavan, […]

Why do we require phone in SILEC / Why do we not offer Dry Loop?

Policy: Nexicom Inc. does not sell standalone Internet access services to customers in our regulated service areas.  Nexicom requires Internet access customers to subscribe to local telephone service as well. Internet pricing does not include cost to maintain line: Our retail Internet access monthly rate covers only the cost of the Internet service, and not […]

Why doesn’t Nexicom have a Loyalty Department?

Nexicom believes in providing the best price EVERY day to ALL customers. You will never have to waste your time calling in for the latest offer, and you won’t need to worry about a discount expiring because you are always getting the BEST deal possible. You can be assured that all customers are paying the […]